
Thursday, April 14, 2016

3 Books That Might Just Make You A Better Person

Who is not interested in being a better human?

Getting ahead? Reaching goals?

Or at least seeing an improved version of the wonderful person you probably already are?
These books have the potential to help improve your memory, streamline and personalize your daily routines, and even increase mental clarity and decrease stress by helping you to de-clutter your life.  I've found them inspirational, conversation-starting and am confident that you will, at the very least, find them to be intriguing reads.

Daily Rituals: How Artists Work

by Mason Currey

I've been talking about this book basically nonstop since reading it. It's like looking through a window into the lives of famous and incredible creative people, and learning about the boring stuff that made their days so spectacular. Beethoven spent time each morning air bathing, Hemingway used a stand up desk, Louis Armstrong was addicted to laxatives.

Con: Only one or two pages per person!

Pro: You can read a mini-bio of someone's daily routine in a just a few minutes, imitate it or laugh at it, and then go on to talk about it for days, weeks, and maybe months afterward.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing

by Marie Kondo

This book describes the "KonMari" method used by a professional declutterer, and the joys you might discover by using her methods to organize your home and your life!
Does it "spark joy"? Keep it!
Look at and feel nothing.... Toss it!
A philosophy that could be applied to so many things in life!!!

Con: It was a little slow starting for me, and seemed to demand a moderately overwhelming amount of work.

Pro: The promise of being a happier, smarter, less stressed and more healthy person!

Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything

Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything

by Joshua Foer

This is the story of a regular forget your car keys, where'd I put my coffee, what's his name, just-like-us man, who spent a year spent training for the U.S. Memory Championship. Instead of being like the average person who wastes forty days a year compensating for things they've forgotten, read this book, learn from this memory champion, and maybe even improve your own noggin.
Con: This guy spent 6+ hours a day working towards his goal... that's not a realistic schedule for most of us.
Pro: Self-help book that reads like a novel.


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